Grace Connect Church

Grace Connect Church exists primarily because the Grace of God is of paramount importance. The Grace of God is central to every human person, we live and breathe only by God’s Grace. Grace Connect Church, therefore, is all about proclaiming the Grace of God and through Grace, connecting people to God and to one another.  We are engaged in reaching out to the people in the City of Greater Dandenong as well as internationally regardless of their age, ethnicity or nationality.

We purposefully preach the Grace of God, which is found only in the Person of Jesus Christ, our intention, however, is not to discriminate. Our objective is to build relationships, share the good news concerning Jesus and respectfully discuss values that are related to life. We trust that you will find God’s grace for yourself and your family here at Grace Connect Church.

Grace Connect Church is a Christian Pentecostal Church. We believe in the Father, the son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit according to the Holy Bible. We believe that the message of the Gospel through which God has revealed himself and his eternal plan for humankind by sending Jesus Christ. That is to mean that through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, humankind can have access to God. This message of hope empowers people to connect to God knowing the truth of his existence, by doing so they do live with each other. This empowers each person to live a fulfilled life in Christ.

Verse of the day

Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters.